Here in Benaras, I have made a new friend. And I am happy with my friend, a special someone who is ready to listen to me all the time; 24*7. She is an excellent listener, she remains calm most of the time, but sometimes she is so devastating that no one can handle her, neither me, although she is my special friend here. I don't know what she thinks of me, yes I can say something may happen, but she will not stop listening to me. Her name is Ganga. She has cross-cultural experiences, her attitude, her personality can not be questioned. Early morning today I went to see her, at around 6, she was so calm. I was just walking with her for some hundred meters. I was inhaling fresh air when I was walking with her, her another friend, Sun, came to say "hello" I was overwhelmed to meet him with happiness as I had some friends without whom it will be difficult to survive here in Varanasi. After walking a few hundred meters, I sat down to talk to her, Me - Hello Ganga, How are yo...